Let's Reactivate Civil Society Campaign

01 November 2014

As increasing militarization and violence confines the peaceful movement in Syria, Syrian activists continue to take part in initiatives and creative events to keep the uprising alive. The Let’s Reactivate Civil Society” is one of such initiatives.

Launched by The Day After Organization, the campaign aims to re-activate the role of civil society, and focus on its importance in Syria today. “The role of civil society must remain active even in times of war. With the militarization of the uprising, the importance of civil society is crucial, because it strengthens the interdependence and interaction between civilians.”, One of the activists says in an interview with SyriaUntold.

The campaign has manifested creativity and commitment to its goal. From brochures and graffiti, to radio programs and a recent video titled “What is civil society?”, activists have used nearly every possible way to demonstrate the role of civil society organizations and their mission.

In an attempt to deliver the message to a large audience, the organizers collaborated with a number of media projects, such as radio Alwan "Colors" and SyriaUntold. The campaign also contacted artists and radio stations working inside Syria, to guarantee full coverage of the campaign and its activities.


Focusing on reviving the civil community in Syria, organizers articulate, helps ensure a better life for civilians in opposition-held areas. It deals with armed groups as a temporary state and holds them responsible for the well-being of the people.
“Unfortunately, many initiatives to reactivate civil society in Syria have failed, which drove people to start questioning its ability to incite change.” Nonetheless, these activists have chosen to revive the heart and soul of the uprising amid the howling of war, as if to tell the world: our voice may be soft and frail, but it is still there.


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Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad